πŸ‘‘ Ranks

LumaMC offers an extensive range of ranks that players can progress through, each providing a wealth of benefits and enjoyable perks!

These ranks fall into two distinct categories: those earned through in-game currency and those available for purchase in our store.

This dual-ranked system caters to both in-game achievements and player preferences, ensuring a diverse and rewarding experience for all!

In Game Ranks

Check /ranks in game to see all ranks and perks!

  • Origin

  • Genesis

  • Quantum

  • Nebula

  • Interlude

  • Revelation

  • Cosmos

  • Serene

  • Singularity

  • Epiphany

  • Odyssey

  • Eclipsed

Please note: Homes, ah slots, and player vaults do not stack with in-game ranks.

Arcane Rank

β€’ Arcane Tag β€’ 5 max /sethomes

β€’ 4 /pv (Player vaults)

β€’ 2 max /pw (Playerwarps) β€’ 4 max /ah slots (Auction house)

β€’ Access to /ec (enderchest)

β€’ Access to /craft β€’ Access to /back & /back on death β€’ Access to all worlds β€’ Ability to create a town β€’ 2x Iris Crate Keys

Divine Rank

β€’ All Arcane rank perks

β€’ Divine Tag β€’ 10 max /sethomes

β€’ 8 /pv (Player vaults)

β€’ 4 max /pw (Playerwarps) β€’ 6 max /ah (Auction house) β€’ Access to /trash

β€’ Access to /furniture

β€’ Access to /e (emojis)

β€’ Access to /hdb (heads)

β€’ Access to /anvil

β€’ Access to /stonecutter β€’ Access to /nick (plain) β€’ Access to /sit β€’ Access to /lay β€’ Ability to silk touch spawners β€’ 1x Azure Crate Key


β€’ All Divine rank perks

β€’ Luminal Tag β€’ 15 max /sethomes

β€’ 12 /pv (Player vaults)

β€’ 6 max /pw (Playerwarps) β€’ 6 max /ah slots (Auction house)

β€’ Access to /hat

β€’ Access to /condense

β€’ Access to /feed

β€’ Access to /recipe β€’ Access to /crawl β€’ Colored /nick command (non-RGB) β€’ Keep EXP on death β€’ 1x Etherea Crate Key


β€’ All Luminal rank perks

β€’ Seraphic Tag β€’ 25 max /sethomes

β€’ 16 /pv (Player vaults)

β€’ 7 max /pw (Playerwarps) β€’ 8 max /ah slots (Auction house)

β€’ Access to /ptime β€’ Access to /pweather

β€’ Access to /chestsort

β€’ Access to /heal

β€’ Access to /jukebox β€’ Access to /hidearmor β€’ Colored /nick command(RGB) β€’ Permanent 10% mcMMO boost β€’ Keep INV on death β€’ 1x Luma Crate Key


β€’ All Ethereal rank perks

β€’ Ethereal Tag β€’ 32 max /sethomes

β€’ 20 /pv (Player vaults)

β€’ 8 max /pw (Playerwarps) β€’ 9 max /ah slots (Auction house)

β€’ 4 max jobs

β€’ Access to /tfly (Fly within your town claims)

β€’ Access to /spin

β€’ Access to /placehere (Place held block on your location. Ex: Flowers in air, etc.)

β€’ Access to /strength β€’ Ability to crate mob balls β€’ Ability to create a nation β€’ Permanent 25% mcMMO boost β€’ 1x Luma Crate Key & 1x Etherea Crate Key

Last updated