❄️ Seasons World

Trying to decide where to build your town? Consider our seasons world!

The seasonal world undergoes updates to mirror the real-world seasons! The world's active time, date, and season will match NA-EAST. Certain events will happen during different seasons too such as shooting stars in summer or night sparkels in winter! Seasons world useful commands: • /biome - View the current vanilla biome • /season - Displays the current season, date, days until next season, active events • /toggleseasoncolors - Toggles the season colors (trees, grass, water, sky etc). Players with season colours disabled will just see the normal vanilla biomes. • /toggleseasonparticles - Toggles all season particles. Season particles look weird with some shaders and this toggle will solve the problem. Season transition dates: • Spring - March 4th

Summer - June 4th

Fall - September 4th

Winter - December 4th Minor transitions will be made in the days leading up to a season change!

Last updated